Thursday, June 24, 2010

Previous Post Continued

After our January surgery, we scheduled several follow-up appointments for this week, knowing that the annual exstrophy picnic would also be taking place this week as well. Jacob had a visit yesterday with Dr. Lau (general surgery - the "stoma" doctor). As soon as he saw Jacob's prolapsed stoma, he immediately said that we needed to do something about it. He noted that there are risks for problems with it being out like this. We are thankful that the Lord has sustained Jacob over these past few months and kept him free from any major complications. The most challenging aspect for us has been keeping colostomy bags on Jacob. But we'll take that any day over other colostomy, stoma or intestinal issues.

So, Jacob will have another stoma revision surgery to correct this issue. The surgery will likely take place toward the end of July. At this point, the doctor thinks that the surgery itself will last about two hours and will require a few days of recovery in the hospital. Jacob will have to be admitted the day before his surgery for the ever so pleasant "bowel prep." We will update everyone once we have a firm date for this surgery.

In the meantime, Jacob has a minor procedure tomorrow morning with Dr. Gearhart. He will be performing a "systoscopy" (we call it a scope). This scope is typically a very short procedure where Dr. G will examine his urethra to make sure everything still looks good from a Urological standpoint. Dr. Lau is also going to come in and get an initial look at his stoma as well, in anticipation of the upcoming surgery. The procedure does require a little bit of anesthesia. It is scheduled for 10:45 in the morning. Please pray that everything will go well with this procedure and that nothing will be out of the ordinary.

Jacob also had a visit with his orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Sponseller. He was very pleased with Jacob's progress and was thrilled that Jacob can now run and jump (a little). The X-Ray looked great as well. Praise the Lord!

Our older son, James, also had an appointment today with Dr. Kosov, a well known epilepsy doctor at Johns Hopkins. He is fairly confident the seizures James had last year are the type that he will likely grow out of by the time he is a teenager. We will continue to give him his medicine for at least another 18-24 months, but it does not appear that he will need any further tests or evaluations at this point.

And finally, we will be attending the aforementioned Exstrophy Picnic on Friday night and Saturday morning. This is a great event that allows families and individuals who deal with the challenges associated with bladder and cloacal exstrophy to meet, share experiences and hear from several physicians that specialize in all aspects of these two conditions. Daddy BA will be speaking at this year's picnic, specifically about cloacal exstophy. Please pray that he will do well during his "five minutes of fame."

We will provide another update following Jacob's procedure tomorrow morning and again this weekend prior to our trip back to Chattanooga.

Thank you for your faithful prayers of petition and praise.

"Jesus - there is something about that Name. He is our Lord and Saviour."