Monday, August 11, 2008

Praise and Update

The nurses treated the thrush infection in Jacob's mouth with nystatin (same med used to treat the rashes he had last week) and his appetite has begun to come back. Please rejoice with us and praise God for such a quick resolution. It appears that a feeding tube will not be needed at this time.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Daddy BA

Prayer Request for Jacob

Please pray for Jacob today. He has been doing quite well over the past week with regard to his eating and drinking. Today, however, he has not wanted to eat or drink anything and he has what appears to be thrush in his mouth (an infection). The nurses will be treating this infection, which certainly may be one of the reasons why he is not eating well. He has also been teething recently and this may be contributing as well. Children with OEIS can dehydrate quickly when they are not drinking any fluids (we've seen this happen with Jacob in the past), so we are always concerned when this happens. Also, the nurses have gone back to giving him pain meds every 6 hours rather than every 8 hours and have increased the amount of fluids through his PICC line. If things continue like this, the doctors may need to insert a feeding tube to ensure that he gets the nutrients and sustenance that he needs.

In addition, we hope to find out today (perhaps) when his next surgery (bladder closure) will take place.

Thank you for your continued prayers.

May the Lord work through this circumstance that which pleases Him.

Daddy BA