Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Today's Update

Jacob had a pretty good night, although our next door neighbors did make it a little challenging to sleep. Dr. Lau came by and is pleased with his progress. He feels like Jacob may be able to be released tomorrow. Jacob has started to eat a little, but still had not wanted to drink much, yet. He continues to receive pain meds through the IV, but may soon switch to oral meds. Jacob was able to get up out of his bed for a little while today and go into the play room. He walked a short distance by himself, but is still regaining his strength. We are not sure how long we may need to stay here after he is released, but there seems to be a good chance that we'll be able to leave by the weekend.

Please pray that this surgery will "work" in the long run. Dr. Lau seemed to imply that there is still a chance that his stoma might prolapse again, although he feels like it won't get to the extent is was prior to the surgery. Also, please pray for complete healing in and around the site of his incision. We were advised that there are a total of four stitches and we certainly don't want the area to become infected or open up.

We, do, of course, have some praises as well. Jacob has been once again "spoiled" by three of his favorite nurses and certainly a number of others that have cared for him over the years. We are so thankful to have individuals who are so committed to his post-op care.

We are also thankful that both James' and Gran's coughs are doing a little better.

We are able to love and serve one another because He first loved us.

Mommy and Daddy