Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

This is our first Thanksgiving spent away from our extended families, yet we still have so much to be thankful for.

Jacob continues to improve each day.  He still struggles with some pain, likely due to bladder spasms, but on the flip side, he is starting to walk a good bit and desires to get out of his wheelchair more frequently.  His output from the tubes has been decent and his colostomy still looks great - no prolapse.  He has also been sleeping well at night.  Thank you, Lord.

We are thankful for so many things today and wanted to share a few:

1.  That Gran was able to come and have  Thanksgiving lunch with us today.
2.  We were also blessed to have Mams, Aunt Roro's grandmother, stop by for a quick visit, along with Uncle Ron, Aunt RoRo, Ronnie, Joshua and Kate.
3.  For Mr. Joe and friends, who prepared a delicious meal for us today.
4.  For the Children's House - making this Thanksgiving away from home better than we could ask or imagine.
5.  For all of the families here that we've had a chance to meet and get to know.
6.  For all of our doctors and nurses at Johns Hopkins.
7.  Most of all, we are thankful for our Lord's love, grace, mercy and power.  We are witnesses to these, every day and     every hour.

"Morning by morning, new mercies I see. Great is Thy faithfulness."

"Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the one who has given Jesus Christ, His Son."

PS - here are a few pics from the last couple of days.

Jacob, James and friend Sophie with Therapy Dog ( Sherman)

Jacob with cousin Joshua and Mams

Jacob with icing mustache. We had a birthday celebration for one of the children at the house today, right after a wonderful Thanksgiving lunch.

James with cousin Ronnie

Uncle Ron telling Jacob a secret. 

This is one of several large Christmas Trees that have been put up at the Hospital.  It is only a few short weeks before we celebrate the greatest gift of all - God come in human flesh - Jesus Christ, our Lord, Savior and King.