Sunday, November 6, 2016

Heading up

We are making our way to Baltimore via stops in Knoxville and Salem (VA).  We hope to arrive this evening.

The surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning at 11 am, but we are to be there at 8:45.

We are thankful that the Lord has kept everyone healthy up to this point and we continue to covet your prayers as we travel today and prepare for surgery tomorrow.

We were unable to get into the Children's House, but are thankful for the Lord's provision of a room nearby and then the McElderry House lodging once Jacob is released from the hospital.

As of right now, they estimate 2-5 days in the hospital and a post op follow-up appointment on 11/15.

We are reminded of a children's song that really speaks powerful words and encourages us as we look ahead to this surgery:

"My God is so Big, so Strong and so Mighty, there's Nothing my God cannot do".

Mommy and Daddy