Friday, November 8, 2013

Pre-op check up answer to prayer #1

Earlier today we had our doctor visit to have an Anesthesia Preoperative Screening before Jacobs surgery. He got an A+ check up - he is ready for surgery. Thank you, God, for keeping Jacob protected from all sicknesss and we pray that you will continue to protect him in the coming days.

I wanted to share with everyone what Jacob said to me while we were waiting for the doctor to come in. He said, "I love the doctors doing this for me. I love that they are helping me so I can be like everyone else. Mommy, I'm thinking about my surgery when I come home. I know that everybody praying will make the surgery go fine. I know I will have to cath forever."

From the mouths of babes, by the grace of God
Mommy and Daddy