Monday, February 8, 2010

Quick Update - prayer and praise

Daddy BA made it here safely last night at around 9 pm. He was just in time to catch the tail end of a surprising Super Bowl finish and enjoy some great food, donated by one a local restaurant owner. Praise the Lord for his safe arrival, despite a few trick spots near Harper's Ferry and in downtown Baltimore.

Because of the snow, Jacob's doctor appointment has actually been moved up to around 1 pm today (how often does that happen). The plan today is to remove the stint and cap off the SP tube (catheter). They and we will then monitor him for a few day.

We certainly ask that you pray for today's appointment - pray that the outcome will be as expected and that he might be one step closer to having no tubes in him. In addition, however, we ask that you also pray for Jacob as he has developed a pretty persistent cough. Other than the cough and a bit of congestion, he seems to be OK, but the cough may delay the final follow-up planned for later this week.

Dr. Gearhart will likely try to scope Jacob's urethra and bladder in a few days, once we've had a chance to make sure that the majority of his pee is coming out down below. But this does require that he be put to sleep for a little while. It is unlikely that they will put him to sleep with any sort of respiratory issues. Please pray that all will go according to plan (His plan, not ours).

We will look to provide everyone with another update this evening, after today's appointment.

With much love, given to us by the God of all Love,

The Arringtons